Windowpanes: a poem

Windowpanes, purple elbows 
on those windowpanes
Soggy condensation bubbling up
under thick white paint.
Cracking, cold
fresh, black mold.

Windows, under pain of death,
I will not tell a lie.
I can’t see the sky for the rain,
can’t see the rain for the drips,
or the drips for my foggy breath
captured like cataracts on the glass.

If I knew how to stop being me, I would
(that’s a lie)
But I don’t, so I won’t
(that’s a lie)



A/N: Hi all! Here’s a poem about that unique, moldy feeling when it rains during the winter, and a couple other things too. 

I’ve been working on a couple new projects that I am very excited about and hope to share more with you soon. Without giving them away, I’ll say that one has to do with drawing, and one has to do with poetry. 

Also, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, I uploaded not even one (1) review of the books on my TBR pile reading schedule. I have been reading, but much slower than I anticipated and different books than I expected to be reading at the start of the year. Part of this is because …*drumroll*…I’m starting grad school in a couple months! 

I’m super excited to be studying writing at a graduate level and much of my time has been taken up with preparing my proto-thesis proposal and fiction sample, and the list of 40 craft-focused books I will read this year. 

Exciting days are ahead, but even as I go to school, I will still be working heavily on my own projects and uploading them. My stuff’s kind of spread all over the internet on various website, but I plan to start consolidating all of it here, so that you can see what I’ve actually been working on, without having to check fifty different sites.

That’s all for now. I hope you have an inspired, productive week, and I’ll talk to you soon.

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