The Tavern in Pulethal: A Necromantic Scene

“Well then, I leave the boy in your capable hands, dear Aeth,” said Innu bowing. Cyril’s jaw dropped. “But Innu, I—“ “Toodeloo,” Innu said, waving. He hurried outside before the prince had a chance to object further. No wonder he’s worried. You left him with a rot Ponticusan! “Watch what you say, good spirit,” Innu... Continue Reading →

Floridian Revenge: A Countersink Scene

We still hadn’t found Ashby, but we had found Ginesbury. Paul was in a frenzy, spinning around like a squirrel, preparing for his long-awaited revenge and I did my best to help. I was still concerned about Paul. As natural as he made his episodes sound, there was no world I could think of where... Continue Reading →

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